
As a tire wears, its ability to perform is reduced. Especially on wet, snowy or icy roads. How can you tell if you need new tires? AV Repair will measure your tires tread depth to see if they’re ready for the roads or replacement.

The stopping distances from 70 mph for a car with about 2/32", the legal minimum tread depth, versus a set of tires with 4/32” tread depth, is about 100 feet more.. And the car with 2/32" tread depth tires will still be traveling at about 45 mph when the the vehicle equipped with the 4/32" deep tires has come to a complete stop!

While replacing your tires before they are legally worn out may not appear the most economical practice, it is far less expensive than repairing your car if it can't stop in an emergency situation in less distance than the vehicle ahead of you!